sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

Hi everybody!! i have a question for you... have you ever wonderer how babies acquire language?
Well, there is a theory for describing their first language acquisition and it was developed by Noam Chomsky who is an 89-year-old American linguist.

He believes that children have an innate capacity to learn the rules of language. They have a LAD (Language Acquisition Device) which facilitates language development. But how do they learn? well.. there are stages which children follow until the age of 5 or 6 when they have acquire a linguistic competence. 
These are the stages that they follow: 

In this video you will see a two-year-old boy who is able to form full sentences, name animals and to ask questions to his mother. Why? because he is in a Telegraphic stage and it means that he has the ability to do all this things. 

But what happens if you want to learn a second language? Do we acquire a second language in the same way?...... nop... do you know why? because when we learn a second language there are many factors which play an important role in a second language acquisition process.
Here you have some of the factors:
Resultado de imagen para age Age
Resultado de imagen para time Time
Resultado de imagen para motivation Motivation
Resultado de imagen para culture Culture
Resultado de imagen para learning styles Learning styles

 Imagen relacionadaL1 influence
Resultado de imagen para personality Personality
Resultado de imagen para context Context
Resultado de imagen para teacher Teacher

As you can see there are many factors. And you may think..

Think about it and later I'll explain Second Language Acquisition theory.. stay tuned :) and enjoy your weekend 

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