sábado, 27 de octubre de 2018

Have you ever had a fantastic week? Have you ever felt so happy with little or big things that happened to you that are just a kiss to your heart? Well...let me tell you about my week.
Resultado de imagen para monday

I went to my first work at primary school and we get ready for the concert... this means, singing the song over and over, soing the choreography, etc, etc
Then I went to my second work at a secondary school and we watched some videos related to plants. The kids really enjoyed it as they already knew all the vocabulary in Spanish so they were able to make the connection.
This was one of the videos

At 5.00 I arrived home and study for my writing test on Tuesday. I was really nervous because I wasn't sure if I had passed the Use of English part so.. if I failed in the writing part.. I had to do the make-up for all!!.. i was really nervous about that because I didn't want to disappoint the teacher..
Resultado de imagen para tuesday
Tuesday came and again.. some dancing and singing in the morning. Then secondary school and finally the test!!!! I sat at 18:10 and I stood up at 21:00 
Resultado de imagen para shock
I felt like this when I left...hahaha

Then Wednesday came and I had more dancing and singing. But no school or prof to go to in the afternoon so.. 
Resultado de imagen para excited

I spent time with my mother and husband. 
And then one of my teachers told me that I had passed the Use of English part.... yeeeeesssss!!!!!

Resultado de imagen para thursday

I was already feeling nervous... because on Friday I had to deliver my last practicum lesson of my career!!!!!!!!!! it was a huge thing for me... but before Friday .. on Thursday afternoon I went to the prof and we had the last workshop.. 
Naty, Vero and Sabri did a fantastic job!

At night Moni sent me a message (students at the prof know who Moni is :) she's ...MONI) Well... she told me that my degree has just arrived at the prof. 
Many moments came to my mind... friends, partners, teachers, study groups, long hours, long weekends...etc, etc. 

Finally.. Friday came. I prepare my bags for my last practicum lesson
I had sooo many things... but I was sooooo happy. 
When we arrived, we prepared the presents for all of the students and coperative teacher (they loved the presents)

There were some students who were crying because we were leaving... I almost start crying as well as it was a huge day for me as well.

Well.... you may think that I'm crazy..(perhaps you're right) but this past week was amazing, fantastic, great, shocking, and lovely. 
How was your week? I would love to hear from you :)

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Have you ever had a fantastic week? Have you ever felt so happy with little or big things that happened to you that are just a kiss to your ...